Commercial customer

The usual procedure for buying MOSEK by commercial customers is:

  1. Consult the price list.
  2. Request a quote.
  3. Review the quote and ask for changes if necessary.
  4. Submit a purchase order or place an order by accepting the quote.
  5. Pay the invoice.
  6. Activate the license.

You can find more information in our order page.

Academic customer

Academic users are elligible for one of the free Academic Licenses.

Reseller customer

Resellers are welcome to sell MOSEK to end customers. However, please note no special discount is provided to resellers beyond our regular volume discount. Please consult our reseller policy for details. Otherwise, resellers should follow the same procedure as commercial customers. However, resellers should always request a quote before submitting a purchase order or the purchase may be delayed.

OEM/ISV customer

OEMs and ISVs are companies that integrate MOSEK into their own services or software that are sold to third parties. We welcome OEMs and ISVs. Please see our OEM/ISV pricing policy for details.

Try our Anaconda Package!

If you are using MOSEK from Python, we recommend the Anaconda distribution and the MOSEK Anaconda package.