Discover MOSEK

MOSEK is a tool for solving mathematical optimization problems, such as:

  • Linear problems
  • Mixed integer problems
  • Convex quadratic problems
  • Conic problems
  • Semidefinite problems


Due to its powerful state-of-the-art interior-point optimizer for linear, quadratic, and conic problems, MOSEK is widely employed in the financial, energy, and forestry industry, but also:

  • Financial applications e.g. portfolio management
  • Supply chain management
  • Forestry and farming
  • Medical and hospital management
  • Power supply and network planning
  • Logistics
  • TV commercial scheduling
  • Structural engineering


  • Includes free-of-charge interfaces to languages such as C, Java, .NET, and Python
  • Extensive documentation
  • Attractive pricing which is publicly available
  • Excellent support. Support e-mails are answered by the developers within an hour and in many cases even faster

Consider our Group License

If you require a large volume usage of MOSEK consider our Group License scheme. You avoid the hassle of token servers and gain a lot of flexibility. Details on the sales pages.