Commercial Pricing

All prices effective from June 1st, 2024

Part-ID description

The MOSEK distribution is organized in parts that reflect the purchase options and the optimizer capabilities.
PTS - the base system, is always required. It covers all the MOSEK programming interfaces and provides the capability to solve:
  • linear problems,
  • problems with linear constraints and a convex quadratic objective,
  • mixed-integer versions of the above.
PTON - the nonlinear and conic extension of PTS. It covers all the remaining functionalities and has the capability to solve:
  • conic (quadratic, semidefinite, exponential, power cone) optimization problems,
  • convex quadratically constrained problems,
  • mixed-integer conic and quadratically constrained problems.

PTS-NODE, PTON-NODE - node-locked versions of the above (see Server License below)

Floating License

A floating license is tied to a particular computer acting as a license token server. Every user on every computer connected to the license server can check out and use the license. One floating license can only be used from one program/process at any given point in time. See our licensing guide for more details.

Part ID Description License Type Price (US$) Annual Maintenance Fee (US$/365days)
PTS Base system Commercial floating 2150 537.50
PTON Nonlinear and conic extension Commercial floating 1950 487.50

Server License

A server license (also known as node-locked license) is tied to a single specific computer. On the specified machine an arbitrary number of users and programs can run MOSEK simultaneously. There are no limitations on the technical parameters of the licensed machine.

Part ID Description License Type Price (US$) Annual Maintenance Fee (US$/365 days)
PTS-NODE Base system Commercial server 8600 2150
PTON-NODE Nonlinear and conic extension Commercial server 7800 1950

About Floating and Server Licenses

  • The license is perpetual but does not include free upgrades to new major versions.
  • Maintenance is optional and gives the right to free upgrades, unlimited host changes and other advantages. Maintenance must be paid in advance.
  • For unmaintained licenses only 1 hostid change is allowed.
  • See the MOSEK license agreement for details.

Group License

Sometimes neither a floating nor a server license is the right choice. For those cases a group license is available. A group license covers the usage of MOSEK within a whole company or in a well-defined sub-unit. It could also cover a specific site or cluster.

  • It is a rental license that is valid for 1 year.
  • The annual fee is dependent on which features are included in the license and on a reported usage pattern.
  • The fee includes support and upgrades.
  • The annual fee stays fixed for a period of 3 years independent of the actual usage within the group.
  • The annual fee is renegotiated every third year based on a reported usage pattern.
  • No license server is used and one license file is used for the whole group. The license system is failure proof.

A group license is a flexible alternative to buying many floating or server licenses.

Please contact MOSEK sales ( if you have any questions regarding a group license.

Terms and Conditions

  • All prices are in pretax currency and subject to change without notice.
  • The software is supplied electronically as a download from the MOSEK web page.
  • Money back guarantee: If you are not satisfied with the product, then you may return it within 90 days for a no questions asked refund.

Discount policy

We offer a discount on your order based on the total purchase of software and maintenance from MOSEK ApS, according to the table:

Total purchase (US$) Discount
Greater than 50000 10%
Greater than 100000 15%